Thursday 24 April 2014

Illustrator patterns

I originally intended to design my prints on photoshop but I learnt I could manipulate each individual line of the image in Illustrator. As I wanted my print to feature a lot of abstract lines I decided to design my print in illustrator.

This was a lot easier and enjoyable than my experience of making prints in Photoshop, I could precisely edit the original image and zoom in and use specific sections of the image for my print. For example, on the 2nd print I only used 4 of the windows in the image.

Print 1
I am really pleased with the outcome of this first print, its got quite a hypnotic effect on the eye the business of the lines in the image is quite stressful to look at but I like that effect it has.

Print 2
This print is the one I just used 4 windows from the original Chanel shop outline image, this print also has a stressful feel to it.

Print 3

The repetitive curved lines in this print remind me of some futurism pictures. Particularly this one below, this isn't one of my favourite prints, its not like the abstract look I intend to create, I don't think it will look very good printed onto a garment but I'm not going to rule it out just yet, I plan to experiment with it.

Print 4
The random lines and each individual rectangle placed on different angles creates a frantic look that yet has some kind of organisation and order to the print. I plan on trying to replicate this vibe in some more prints that show more white background and space.

2nd round of prints (2nd attempt)

Print 5

This is one of my most liked prints of the collection so far. I love the busy-ness of the lines it reminds me of the busy-ness of Old Bond street when I took the picture of the Chanel store that inspired these prints. I wanted to develop and change my original prints in my second go at designing because I wanted to keep an architectural feel to the prints because I am so in love with the copy of the Chanel store I drew in illustrator and I want to keep recognisable elements of that in my prints. In this print, you can recognise the layered up empty picture frames with the tube lighting inside the edges from the window displays of the Chanel shop. From my composition focused drawing of the different bits of the original image of the shops exterior, I considered composition when designing this print by angling the shapes differently and layering them on top of each other to get a busy yet organized feel to it.

Print 6

This is another one of my prints where I tried to keep the prominence of the architecture of the illustrator drawing of the Chanel shops exterior in the print. I love the way this looks on its own as a print, because it looks like a distorted architectural drawing and its very confusing to the eye yet it makes sense. Unfortunately this print doesn't look good filled into a garment because you can't make out what it is and it looks like messy lines created with no thought, which is the complete opposite of what it is, putting it onto a garment doesn't do it justice. I may use it on a scale or something thats just a big plain piece of fabric rather that using it on a tie or something small like a square pocket as it doesn't look right small scale.

Print 7

I am pleased with how this print has turned out as it unintentionally looks like a block repeat. It reminds me of the 50's Art Deco period in interiors, it looks similar to the wallpapers of that time. Like this Art Deco style wallpaper from Bradbury&Bradbury. 

Similar concept and swirling lines, except my print has my own theme prominently running through it with the white and black colour palette and the straight geometric lines rather than circular twisty lines predominantly used in the Art Deco period.

Print 8

This print has the same concept as the 5th and 6th print, I was trying to keep the visual of the architecture of the building prominent in the print, but on this one i concentrated on just the windows on the top half of the building. I moved them around and rotated them and and the window frames to create this distorted look. I'm really happy with this print, I think it has enough white in the background for it to look effective on a garment and the small size of each rectangle will make it look very striking.

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